lid: URI resolver

This service can be used as a resolver for URIs in the lid: scheme (described here).

The webserver is also configured to resolve URIs in the form:
You may also use the form below:

Using an undefined prefix is valid, but requires the target to understand it. The prefixes recognized by the service are as follows (ordered by priority):

  1. Permanent IANA URI schemes. They are defined as themselves.
  2. Recommended RDFa Core Initial Context. Only definitions that end on #, / or : are considered.
  3. Provisional and historical IANA URI schemes longer than 3 characters. Defined like the other schemes.

This means that some common prefixes may be overwritten by URI schemes (see here for examples). The syntax still allows to redefine any such prefix manually.

The list of default prefixes (JSON-LD context) is periodically synchronized with the source documents. This could result in ambiguities between different resolvers or points in time, since a particular prefix could turn from undefined to defined when one of the two lists is modified. This is easily prevented by undefining the prefix manually in the URI, or by using the empty prefix or a prefix that starts on x..

If an entry is removed from the source lists, it could also prevent this resolver from correctly processing URIs that use the prefix. It is assumed entries are never removed from the sources, and if so, it justifies the consequences.


The options above can be also specified in the query part of the URI. Any query parameter starting with __ is stripped of it and passed to the target endpoint.

Identifies anything that has a property rdfs:label (known prefix) with a literal value of 1 (any type).
Identifies anything that has the property with a literal value of "1" (plain untagged literal in RDF 1.0, xsd:string in RDF 1.1).
Identifies anything that has the property with a literal value of "1"^^xsd:integer.
Identifies anything that has the property with a literal value of "Person"@en (English language tag).
Identifies anything that has a property ex:id with the specified value. The resolution of ex: is performed by the target endpoint, because it is an undefined prefix.
Identifies anything that has a property foaf:mbox (known prefix) with a value of <> (a URI).
Identifies the foaf:age of the specified entity.
Identifies anything that has the property with a value of <rdf:nil> (a URI) – likely incorrect!
Identifies anything that has the property with a value of rdf:nil (using the known prefix).
Identifies anything with the specified value of the <> property (http: is treated as a known prefix).
Identifies anything with the specified value of the <id> property (base: is a known prefix for producing relative URIs).